Consumer Information
Fax: 808-334-0191
Contact information for individual agencies that offer financial assistance can be found here.
Privacy of Student Records−Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
FERPA stands for the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974. This law protects the privacy of student education records from kindergarten through graduate school. FERPA applies to all schools that receive funds through an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education, and thus most postsecondary schools are covered by FERPA.
FERPA requires that education records be kept confidential. Records may be disclosed with the consent of the student, if the disclosure meets one of the statutory exemptions, or if the disclosure is directory information and the student has not placed a hold on release of directory information.
Students at MLH may request a copy of their records at any time. Students have a right of access to their records (but not necessarily the right to a copy of the record) and a right to request the correction of records that are inaccurate or misleading. If the school denies this request for correction of a record, the student may request a hearing.
Institutions must give students annual notice of their rights under this law, and most institutions accomplish this by having in place a student record policy.
The statute defines the phrase “education record” broadly as “those records, files documents, and other materials which 1) contain information directly related to a student; and 2) are maintained by an educational institution.
Digital records are covered by FERPA.
Facilities and Services for Students with Disabilities
MLH is dedicated to providing reasonable accommodation to its flight school students with documented disabilities who request assistance. Individual flight school student needs are addressed with regard to specific disabilities, academic and career goals, learning styles and objectives for personal development. Campus-specific services include academic advising, assistance with registration, advising on time-management skills, study and testing skills, arrangement of group study and facilitation of physical access.
FAA-certified programs are subject to regulation requirements by the FAA. Therefore, due to regulatory requirements, persons with certain disabilities may be limited or delayed in participation or licensure in the flight training programs.
Students interested in MLH programs are encouraged to contact us for information regarding eligibility concerns. All information is confidential and not included in the student’s academic records.
Student Diversity
The following Student Diversity information is based June 2011 enrollment in our Professional Pilot Program.
Male: 90%
Female: 5%
Self-Identified Members of a Major Racial or Ethnic Group:
Asian/Pacific Islanders: 14%
White: 61%
Hispanic/Latino: 5%
American Indian/Alaskan: 10%
Other: 10%
For more information about student diversity at Mauna Loa Helicopters, call 1-808-334-0234
Price of Attendance
Net Price Calculator
Refund Policy and Requirements for Withdrawal and Return of Federal Financial Aid
Refund Policy
Withdrawal Policy: Students have the right to withdraw from the program at any time during their training. Notice of withdrawal must be requested to the administration office. If a student withdraws owning money this money must be paid immediately, or the student risks being sent to collections. If a student withdraws having a positive accounts balance, the refund will be processed according to policy. A student enrolled in the Professional Pilot Program who do not attend classes for more than 90 consecutive days and do not submit a leave of absence request, will be considered a withdrawal from the program.
Mauna Loa Helicopters maintains a 100% pro-rata refund policy: supplying a full refund policy for all unused training funds. Refunds need to be requested to the accounts department and will be issued within 45 days of the student's request unless uncleared checks are pending. All funds that have been supplied by a lender will be issued in the manner prescribed by the individual financial institution. All merchandise purchases are non-refundable. The $150 enrollment fee is only refundable if requested within three days after signing the enrollment agreement and making an initial payment.
All costs associated with the issuance of an international visa will be retained. Any student enrolled in the Professional Pilot Program and considered a dropout or termination will have all refunds automatically refunded within 30 days of last class attendance or official drop or termination date.
Title IV students who do not attend classes for more than 14 consecutive days and do not submit a leave of absence request, will be considered a withdrawal from the program.
Refund of Title IV Funds for Federal Aid Students
The law specifies how a school must determine the amount of Title IV funds that a student earns if they withdraw from the program. When a student withdraws before completion of the program, the Title IV program assistance that has been earned up to that point is determined by a specific formula. If a student received (or the school or student’s parents received on student’s behalf) less assistance than what was earned, a student may be able to receive those additional funds. If a student receives more assistance than earned, the excess funds must be returned by the school and/or student.
The amount of assistance earned is determined on a pro-rata basis. For example, if 30% of the program hours were completed when withdrawal occurs, then 30% of the Title IV financial aid for the payment period would be earned. A student will have earned 100% of the Title IV financial aid disbursed for the payment period or period of enrollment if the student withdrew after completing more than 60% of the scheduled program hours.
Once the amount of Title IV financial aid that was not earned has been calculated, federal regulations require that the school return Title IV funds disbursed in the following order:
- Unsubsidized Federal Stafford Loans
- Subsidized Federal Stafford Loans
- Unsubsidized Direct Stafford Loans (other than PLUS loans)
- Subsidized Direct Stafford Loans
- Federal PLUS/Grad PLUS Loans
- Direct PLUS Loans
If a student did not receive all of the funds that were earned, a student may be due a Post-withdrawal disbursement. If a Post-withdrawal disbursement includes loan funds, the school must get your permission before disbursing them. A student can choose to decline some or all of the loan funds to avoid incurring additional debt. If there are outstanding fees owed to the school, the school may ask to use the Post-withdrawal disbursement toward these fees. The school cannot apply your Post-withdrawal disbursement without a student’s permission; however in most cases it is in a student’s best interest to allow the school to keep the funds to reduce your debt at the school.
There are some Title IV funds that cannot be disbursed after withdrawal because of other eligibility requirements. For example, a first-time, first-year undergraduate student who has not completed the first 30 days of their program before withdrawal will not receive any FFEL or Direct Loan funds that would have been received had they remained enrolled past the 30th day.
If a student receives (or the school, or student’s parent receive on student’s behalf) excess Title IV program funds that must be returned, the school must return a portion of the excess equal to the lesser of:
• Student’s Institutional charges multiplied by the unearned percentage of funds received, or
• The entire amount of the student’s excess funds.
The school must return this amount even if it didn’t keep this amount of your Title IV program funds.
If the school is not required to return all of a student’s excess funds, the student must return the remaining amount. Any loan funds that must be returned may be repaid in accordance with the terms of the promissory note.
The requirements for Title IV program funds when a student withdraws are separate from any refund policy that the school has. Therefore, a student may still owe funds to the school to cover unpaid institutional charges. The school may also collect from a student for any Title IV program funds that the school was required to return.
If you have any questions about your Title IV program funds, you can call the Federal Student Aid Information Center at 1-800-4-FEDAID (1-800-433-2343). TTY users may call 1-800-730-8913.
Textbook Information
MLH students will be required to buy various books and publications which they will utilize throughout their training. Many are available online, through the school or in free .pdf version from the FAA website.
Educational Program
Instructional Facilities
Transfer of Credit Policies and Articulation Agreements
Flight School Student Hours and Credits
Students with prior flying experience may be eligible for credit toward the hourly requirement established for each FAA pilot certificate or rating. Credit that may be assigned is governed by Federal Aviation Regulations 141.77(b). The transferability of credits earned at this institution is at the discretion of the accepting institution. It is the student’s responsibility to confirm whether credits will be accepted by another institution of the student’s choice.
Articulation Agreement
MLH holds no articulation agreement with other flight schools.
Accreditation, Approval and Licensure of Institution and Programs
Copyright Infringement-Policies and Sanctions
Unauthorized distribution of copyrighted materials, including School documents, and unauthorized peer-to-peer file sharing may subject the student to civil and criminal liabilities.
Copyright infringement is the act of exercising, without permission or legal authority, one or more of the exclusive rights granted to the copyright owner under section 106 of the Copyright Act (Title 17 of the United States Code). These rights include the right to reproduce or distribute a copyrighted work. In the file-sharing context, downloading or uploading substantial parts of a copyrighted work without authority constitutes an infringement.
Penalties for copyright infringement include civil and criminal penalties. In general, anyone found liable for civil copyright infringement may be ordered to pay either actual damages or “statutory” damages affixed at not less than $750 and not more than $30,000 per work infringed. For “willful” infringement, a court may award up to $150,000 per work infringed. A court can, in its discretion, also assess costs and attorneys’ fees. For details, see Title 17, United States Code, Sections 504, 505.
Willful copyright infringement can also result in criminal penalties, including imprisonment of up to five years and fines of up to $250,000 per offense.
For more information, please see the Web site of the U.S. Copyright Office at, especially their FAQ’s at
Computer Use and File Sharing
Students found to have violated the policies of academic integrity, including copyright infringement with respect to unauthorized peer-to-peer file sharing, including illegal downloading or unauthorized distribution of copyrighted materials using the institution’s information technology system, may receive the following sanctions including a failing grade on the assignment, probation, or dismissal from the School.
Student Activities
Life at Mauna Loa Helicopters
MLH operates 365 days per year. We welcome all students and make every effort to ensure that each student’s transition into life at our school is easy and comfortable.
Student Activities
There are many off-campus activities that provide a way for students to have fun while training in Hawaii. Scenic valleys, expansive beaches, exotic rainforests, hiking, sailing, fishing, surfing, snorkeling, diving, sight seeing…even erupting volcanoes. To us, Hawaii is an incredible place to live.
Student Services
Student services are available to help students with their transition to Hawaii and Mauna Loa Helicopters. Students will receive a welcome packet including maps, essential phone numbers, and information to help the student get acclimated. Pick up from the airport is available with adequate notice.
Student Housing
We offer dormitory style housing. If students prefer to live off campus, we can recommend several off-campus apartment options at all locations. Housing is $650 per month with a $600 security deposit on Kona.
Our staff can answer any questions parents or students may have concerning housing.
Stay Connected
• Facebook: We have an active Facebook page and Instragram page where students and families are encouraged to keep in touch online.
• We regularly update the News section of our website.
• Mail: Students can receive mail and packages while training at MLH. Please note that we cannot forward mail for students from this business address. Students using this address will need to contact all senders and notify them of their change in address. For this reason we encourage students to look into a P.O. box or private mail box.
Career and Job Placement Services
Mauna Loa Helicopters offers career-minded students assistance finding their first job. The school prefers to hire instructors from its own graduate pool. This depends on the demand at the time and upon the individual’s performance and professionalism. The school hires 70% – 80% of its graduates from the Professional Pilot Program.
Gramm Leach Bliley (GLB) ACT Information Security Plan
This Information Security Plan (“Plan”) describes Mauna Loa Helicopters’ safeguards to protect information and data in compliance (“Protected Information”) with the Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999, also known as the Gramm Leach Bliley Act, 15 U.S.C. Section 6801. These safeguards are provided to:
- Protect the security and confidentiality of Protected Information;
- Protect against anticipated threats or hazards to the security or integrity of such information; and
- Protect against unauthorized access to or use of Protected Information that could result in substantial harm or inconvenience to any customer.
This Information Security Plan also provides for mechanisms to:
- Identify and assess the risks that may threaten Protected Information maintained by Mauna Loa Helicopters;
- Designate employees responsible for coordinating the program;
- Design and implement a safeguards program;
- Manage the selection of appropriate service providers;
- Adjust the plan to reflect changes in technology, the sensitivity of Protected Information, and internal or external threats to information security; and
- Reference related policies, standards, and guidelines.
Identification and Assessment of Risks to Customer Information
Mauna Loa Helicopters recognizes that it has both internal and external risks. These risks include, but are not limited to:
- Unauthorized access of Protected Information by someone other than the owner of the covered data and information
- Compromised system security as a result of system access by an unauthorized person
- Interception of data during transmission
- Loss of data integrity
- Physical loss of data in a disaster
- Errors introduced into the system
- Corruption of data or systems
- Unauthorized access of covered data and information by employees
- Unauthorized requests for covered data and information
- Unauthorized access through hardcopy files or reports
- Unauthorized transfer of covered data and information through third parties
Mauna Loa Helicopters recognizes that this may not be a complete list of the risks associated with the protection of Protected Information. Since technology growth is not static, new risks are created regularly. Accordingly, the Administrative team will actively participate with and seek advice from an advisory committee made up of university representatives for identification of new risks. Mauna Loa Helicopters believes current safeguards used by the Administrative team are reasonable and, in light of current risk assessments are sufficient to provide security and confidentiality to Protected Information maintained by the flight school.
Information Security Plan Coordinators
The MLH Administrative team, is responsible for the maintenance of information security and privacy. The Administrative team is responsible for safeguarding Protected Information will provide an annual update report indicating the status of its safeguarding procedures. Then are responsible for assessing the risks associated with unauthorized transfers of Protected Information and implementing procedures to minimize those risks that are appropriate based upon the flight school’s size, complexity and the nature and scope of its activities.
Design and Implementation of Safeguards Program
Employee Management and Training
In accordance with MLH policies, standards, and guidelines, reference checking and background reviews will be conducted when deemed appropriate. During employee orientation, each new employee in departments that handle Protected Information will receive proper training on the importance of confidentiality of Protected Information. Each new employee will also be trained in the proper use of computer information and passwords. Further, each department responsible for maintaining Protected Information will provide ongoing updates to its staff. These training efforts should help minimize risk and safeguard covered data and information security.
Physical Security
Mauna Loa Helicopters has addressed the physical security of Protected Information by limiting access to only those employees who have a business reason to know such information and requiring signed acknowledgement of the requirement to keep Protected Information private. Existing policies establish a procedure for the prompt reporting of the loss or theft of Protected Information. Offices and storage facilities that maintain Protected Information limit customer access and are appropriately secured. Paper documents that contain Protected Information are shredded at time of disposal.
Information Systems
Information systems include network and software design, as well as information processing, storage, transmission, retrieval, and disposal. Mauna Loa Helicopters has policies, standards, and guidelines governing the use of electronic resources and firewall and wireless policies. Mauna Loa Helicopters will take reasonable and appropriate steps consistent with current technological developments to make sure that all Protected Information is secure and to safeguard the integrity of records in storage and transmission. Mauna Loa Helicopters will develop a plan to protect all electronic Protected Information by encrypting it for transit.
Management of System Failures
MLH will maintain effective systems to prevent, detect, and respond to attacks, intrusions and other system failures. Such systems may include maintaining and implementing current anti-virus software; checking with software vendors and others to regularly obtain and install patches to correct software vulnerabilities; maintaining appropriate filtering or firewall technologies; alerting those with access to covered data of threats to security; imaging documents and shredding paper copies; backing up data regularly and storing back-up information off site, as well as other reasonable measures to protect the integrity and safety of information systems.
Selection of Appropriate Service Providers
Due to the specialized expertise needed to design, implement, and service new technologies, vendors may be needed to provide resources that determines not to provide on its own. In the process of choosing a service provider that will maintain or regularly access Protected Information, the evaluation process shall include the ability of the service provider to safeguard Protected Information. Contracts with service providers may include the following provisions:
- A stipulation that the Protected Information will be held in strict confidence and accessed only for the explicit business purpose of the contract;
- An assurance from the contract partner that the partner will protect the Protected Information it receives.
Continuing Evaluation and Adjustment
This Information Security Plan will be subject to periodic review and adjustment, especially when due to the constantly changing technology and evolving risks. The administrative team will review the standards set forth in this policy and recommend updates and revisions as necessary. It may be necessary to adjust the plan to reflect changes in technology, the sensitivity of student/customer data and internal or external threats to information security.
Policies, Standards and Guidelines
- Background Verification
- Employee Conduct and Work Rules
- Privacy Rights of Students
- Release of Student Information
- Lost or Stolen Student Records
- Computer, Internet, and Electronic Communications
- Student Educational Records – FERPA
- ASU’s Privacy Statement
- Desktop and Network Security
- Personal Desktop Security for Home and Office
- Anti-Virus Updates and Utilities
- ASU Site-Licensed Software: Recommended Software
As required by the Higher Education Act of 1965 (HEA), as amended by the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008, MLH encourages those meeting voter registration guidelines to register to vote and participate in the democratic process for all federal and state elections.
Voter registration qualifications include:
• 17 1/2 years of age register; 18 years of age to vote
• U.S. citizen
• Hawaii Resident
Voter registration forms may be found at:
Mauna Loa Helicopters and Mauna Loa Aero have been monitoring the cost of aviation fuel very carefully. Fuel prices have been increasing rapidly since 2021, inflation is at a 40-year high and all of Mauna Loa’s supply chains have been adversely affected. Since January 1, 2022 the cost of fuel has increased by $2.83 per gallon in Kona and $2.88 per gallon in Honolulu. To put that price change in perspective for the average R22 and R44, that’s a cost increase of $25.44 and $42.40 per hour of operation.
Mauna Loa has been absorbing the increases in operating costs since our last rate increase in October of 2021. We now find, that to continue to provide the quality training our students expect, a price increase is necessary.
Mauna Loa has decided to implement an hourly fuel surcharge rather than a permanent rate increase. Fuel prices will be monitored weekly and for full transparency, the calculation of the fuel surcharge will be posted at the school. Fuel prices will be reviewed each Tuesday (Air Service price changes are made each Tuesday) and the fuel surcharge per hour will be updated in FBO each Wednesday.
Should the volatility of fuel prices stabilize, Mauna Loa Helicopters and Mauna Loa Aero will set a new baseline rental price for all aircraft and remove the fuel surcharge.
We believe this is the fairest and most transparent way to address the increase and current volatility in fuel prices.
We appreciate your business and thank you for training with Mauna Loa.
Example of weekly notice:

